Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sustainable Food In Northern Virginia

"In the region nearest to Washington DC there is a vibrant agricultural heritage, and interests in organic farming and food activism are creating strong demand for locally produced and sourced food."

The need for sustainable energy and food in Northern Virginia is quickly growing. Residents and area leaders and pushing a local food production system that reaches wholesale markets. "What was once the province of upscale chefs who tailored their menus to the local harvest is now the procurement strategy of not only chains such as Whole Foods, Wal-Mart and Chipotle, but even the White House and Congress." The food system is planned to increase the market located around Washington, D.C. that expands in other regions. The greater Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area provides leadership from the United State Department of Agriculture and helps in encourage the rest of the nation to provide sustainable and organic food products. A great example of the leadership is the White House organic vegetable garden or Michelle Obama's Vegetable Garden. This well broadcasted garden provides an example of at home opportunities and the need for organic foods. 

Northern Virginia Sustainable Food

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