Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Survey Results

Not many people have taken my survey yet, but most of the results were from non smokers. I'm looking to get more survey takers from smokers to get both sides of the story on addiction.



  1. I am interested to see if the theory Sarah is using proves true in this situation, and to see if more smokers have non-smoking or smoking parents. Once Sarah can find a good number of people to take her survey, the information should provide for an interesting paper.

  2. Your topic seems really interesting. I know a few people that have been smoking for years and I wonder if they will ever stop. You definitely need a variety of surveyors though. I would just post it to your facebook. That would probably be the least awkward way of trying to get smokers to take a survey regarding smoking.

  3. I took your survey and think it will give you lots of good information, especially if you get a lot of smokers to participate. It will be interesting to see if your theory proves to be true.
