I have reached the required amount of people who are supposed to take my survey, but I don't think I have enough information. I have 20 responses from non-smokers and 1 from a smoker. This hasn't really given me much information on how much and why college students smoke so I decided to create an additional survey on why people choose to or choose not to smoke. So far, I have a few responses which has helped me to see that people really do consider the negative effects of smoking on the body and try to stay away from cigarettes. Someone said that they were "unattractive and bad for you" in addition to people saying that they have been pressured by friends before. I think this second survey will help me get the results I need.
original survey:
additional survey:
I think it is really awesome that you were able to adapt your survey. I really like your new focus on what has kept people from smoking. As it has proven, it is a lot easier to find non smokers who are willing to take your survey rather than smokers.
ReplyDeleteMy three suggestions to you would be
1. Search for past surveys that include smoker's input
2. Maybe do a verbal survey, they might be more likely to give you information
3. If you can't get any survey information, I'm sure there is a peer reviewed article that Dr. Taylor will love haha
Great work though! You have a very important topic